Sunday, 31 January 2010

Have a threesome for your patience......

I'm sorry, I'm sorry!! I know it's been a while since I posted but there have been a couple of reasons - I've been MEGA busy with work and real life being a bitch; I'm not getting to read as much as I'd like to so I've been concentrating on the big ones as they've been updating and, lastly, I've not really read anything new that I've found worthy of recommendation.  Woah, yeah I really did just drop that fucking bombshell!!

Now that isn't to say that Twific has been crap, it's just I've had to wade through a lot of tripe (that *may* be a good old Scottish word!?!) trying to find something worthy of the rec.  I should also point out that I've been intentionally avoiding those with hundreds of reviews and trying to find something a little less known in the fandom.  That, my friends, is why it has taken me so long.

And fuck me if you guys aren't all over this shit! You certainly know a fucking good fic when you see it, and usually within the blink of an eye too haha.  So fuck it, I've decided I don't care if something has got hundreds and thousands of reviews, if I like it, I'm just gonna go ahead and rec it anyway.

Since you've been so patient with me and to make up for the delay, I'm gonna give it to you three times tonight ;-) 

First up we've got Purgatory: A Love Story by americanxidiot.  It's only eight chapters in but we all know how good a writer americanxidiot is and honestly, I could have rec'd this after the first chapter.  Fuck, I coulda rec'd this when I got the author alert cos I just know it was gonna be fucking awesome!  I love the idea behind this and can't wait to see how things evolve both with Bella and Edward and the story itself.  It's not your usual straightforward boy meets girl and they live happily ever after (eventually) kind of story either, there's some serious motherfucking plot going on here.  Just take my word for it and go read it, you won't regret it!

Secondly, I've got another one that is still in it's infancy - 4 chapters so far - but it is garnering reviews like you wouldn't believe.  Don't You Wanna Take A Ride With Me by stephk0525 features Professor Spin God as the sexy spin instructor who has Bella going weak at the knees, and not just with his workouts.  I go to spin classes 3 or 4 times a week and I know how fit these instructors are so the thought of Edward as one of them is just too fucking hot for words.  In fact, if he's looking to do a few more classes, I'm sure my gym could accommodate him...em what was I saying? Ah yes, *clears throat*.  So Bella doesn't want to just jump into having sex with Edward which has stephk0525 doing a little bit of the old cockblocking but it's still hot, hot, hot - watch out for the sauna, that's all I'm saying ;-)

Go. Read. Review.  And while you're at it, check out my own little first attempt which I wrote for the Twific Auto Erotica Oneshot Challenge, I've only had 2 reviews so far and would love to know what you think...

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