It's been a while huh? Not much I can say about that. I've been doing a lot of reading and while the fics I've read have been good, I can honestly say I've not found anything great.
After experiencing complete and utter fucking heartfail waiting for the final couple of chapters of HunterHunting's Clipped Wings & Inked Armor (if you haven't read this I'm going to say 2 things - WHY THE FUCK NOT??? and GO, READ IT, NOW!!!), I decided I was going to approach my next multi-chaptered fic reading exploits in a slightly different way - I wasn't reading it unless it was complete!
Now if you've read my previous posts or you follow me on twitter you'll know that my 'to be read' list is pretty fucking extensive, you'd think this would make the choosing of fics easy - apparently fucking not! I was looking for something to get my teeth into, but not something so epically long that it took over my life for weeks on end (yeah did I mention when I get engrossed in a fic, I get REALLY fucking engrossed?)
Imagine my delight when I decided on Stay by CrimsonMarie. At 37 chapters plus an epilogue, it's no quick read but it's so well written and the characters are fantastic. It was one of those fics where I promised myself 'just one more chapter' everytime I was reading it.
It may not be choc-full of smut like some of my favourites and previous recs but the thing to remember with this is the fantastic plotline and characters, the sexy times are just an added bonus - and bloody well written into the bargain.
Now since I'm here and I have your attention, it's worth noting that there are a couple of contests going on just now. In a shameless act of self pimpage I'd first like to recommend you have a gander at the Twific Auto Erotica Oneshot Challenge, where I just *may* have entered my first ever fic, go, read, vote (and not necessarily for me, although that would be nice!). Voting is currently open but closes SOON.
Another contest worth noting is the Devirginizing Edward contest, voting has just closed but winners are still to be announced and there are some great entries (I voted for my favourite so fingers crossed!)
Final rec for today goes to the AwkWard Contest which is currently accepting submissions until March 17th - I love the idea behind this contest and can't wait to read some of the entries.
So there you have it, I may not have been here for fucking ages but surely I've more than made up for it with all these recs? No? Humph, just can't please anyone these days... enjoy! Read, review & vote :D
The PUCK Drops Here!
9 years ago
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